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American College of Veterinary Microbiologists American College of Veterinary Microbiologists


About ACVM

Introduction to ACVM

The American College of Veterinary Microbiologists (ACVM) is the veterinary specialty organization recognized by the American Veterinary Medical Association for certification of veterinarians with special expertise in microbiology. The ACVM undergoes a comprehensive evaluation by the American Board of Veterinary Specialties (ABVS), a committee of the American Veterinary Medical Association, every three years to ensure that we are maintaining the required standards for our certification process. An ACVM diplomate is a veterinarian of good moral character who has satisfactorily completed the examination and has been elected to membership by a majority vote of the College's Board of Governors.

VETERINARY MICROBIOLOGY includes the fields of bacteriology, mycology, immuno-serology, virology, and parasitology as they apply to veterinary medical science.

Historical Note

The American College of Veterinary Microbiologists developed from the former American Association of Veterinary Bacteriologists. Increasing awareness, among members of the AAVB, of the need for board certification of veterinary microbiologists resulted in formation of an organizing committee in 1962.

Preparation of the Constitution and By-laws of the ACVM by this committee and approval of this document by the Council of Education, as well as the House of Delegates of the American Veterinary Medical Association, paved the way for the organizational meeting of this specialty group at Louisville, Kentucky, on July 12, 1966. Full approval was granted by the AVMA effective July 21, 1968, at the annual meeting in Boston, Massachusetts.

Charter Diplomates were those veterinarians who organized the ACVM, and others elected by this group within one year following adoption of the Constitution and By-laws.

Objectives of the College

The objectives of the ACVM are to further educational and scientific progress in the specialty of veterinary microbiology; to strengthen and improve instruction at the pre- and postdoctoral level in veterinary microbiology; to promote the highest professional standing of veterinary microbiologists; to establish standards of postdoctoral training and experience for qualification of specialists in veterinary microbiology; and to certify qualified and competent veterinary microbiologists in subspecialty areas of bacteriology and mycology, virology, immunology, and parasitology.

The College fully endorses and actively supports: the attainment and maintenance of the highest professional standards of competency and excellence in the certification of specialists in veterinary microbiology; the constant improvement of specialty training programs and training facilities; and improvement in the standards of excellence and competence of those veterinary microbiologists employed in departments of veterinary microbiology or related areas in schools or colleges of veterinary medicine, research institutions, veterinary medical diagnostic laboratories, and those other institutions where veterinary microbiological activities are conducted.